Anxiety is a vague and diffused sense of fear, a feeling of dread, weakness and fragility with no clear identifiable source, where our identity and our stories get called into question.
To conquer vague abstract attacks of anxiety, it is important to regain clarity on our identity and our stories, with a concrete sense of control in our lives! A good start is putting our abstract thoughts and non-physical feelings down on tangible paper, that is journaling.
While we are confronted with things that we cannot control and change in our lives, we can tap into our wisdom, and list out the things that we do have control of in our lives!
When we have regained a sense of control in some areas of our life, we can tap into the strong parts of us, gathering our courage to change what we can and adapt to the challenging times.
And finally with clarity, kindness, practicing self-care and being in community, we learn to accept the things that we cannot change and control.