Pondering on our understanding of sex

Our sexuality is pivotal to our sense of self. The list below from healthyplace.com on “How sexual abuse shapes our understanding of sex” is thought provoking and worthy to ponder on.

Sex as uncontrollable energy OR Sex as controllable energy
Sex is an obligation OR Sex is a choice
Sex is addictive OR Sex is a natural drive
Sex is hurtful OR Sex is nurturing, healing
Sex is a condition for receiving love OR Sex is an expression of love
Sex is a ‘doing to’ someone OR Sex is sharing with someone
Sex is a commodity OR Sex is part of who I am
Sex is absence of communication OR Sex involves communication
Sex is secretive OR Sex is private
Sex is exploitative OR Sex is respectful
Sex is deceitful OR Sex is honest
Sex benefits one person OR Sex is mutual
Sex is emotionally distant OR Sex is intimate
Sex is irresponsible OR Sex is responsible
Sex is unsafe OR Sex is safe
Sex has no limits OR Sex has boundaries
Sex is power over someone OR Sex is empowering